BRE Friday Communicator » Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!


Dear Brackendale Elementary Families,  d


Ha7lh Skwayel. This email is to officially welcome your family to the 2024-2025 school year at Brackendale Elementary School. It’s going to be a great year as we learn on the traditional territory of the Squamish Nation!  


First, I’d like to introduce myself. I am your new principal Alysa Patching. I am coming to you from working at St’a7mes School as the Principal and Vice-Principal for the past 4 years. I know our schools share families and some students at BRE have been my students at St’a7mes; and so I’ve been looking forward to being connected and re-connected with you all again. I’ve also held administrative roles in Pemberton and Whistler with the Sea to Sky District. Before that I was at Coast Mountain Academy here in Squamish for a couple of years, and taught in the Coquitlam School District for 13 years.  I am grateful and excited to be bringing all my relations to serving our school community here at Brackendale Elementary.                        


Outside of school life I find joy in motherhood, being a dog owner and having close friendships. I like to spend my time participating in activities in the outdoors and fine arts. 


I am grateful and honored to work with this team and this community of families.  We have such a strong team of dedicated and specialized staff who are eagerly preparing to welcome in our awesome kids next week.  I have had the opportunity to meet some of you already.  I can see families devoted to their children, their learning, and the school community. Our families (you) have been getting our children ready to transition to a new school year.  All caregivers (staff and families) have been putting lots of time and energy to start us off on a strong foot. We have so much strength for creating a wonderful year together. 


Please see below for some important dates and information for school start – up! 




Alysa Patching – Principal  

Staff 2024-2025


Most of our team is returning this year and we are very fortunate to have some new experts joining us.  


Please see the full list of staff here:

Important First Week of School Information and Schedule Grades 1-6 students:  


The 2024 – 2025 school year will start up Tuesday September 3rd, 2024.  At 8:45 am we will meet at the upper field to sing drum in students and then send them to their class for first day information and activities. Students will be dismissed at 9:45 am from their classroom. Parents may wait for students in the gym, or on the field while they are attending class.


*Please note : If your family will be away in the first week of school, but you are planning on attending Brackendale Elementary School this school year – Please call or email the school to confirm your attendance. This information is important to us in confirming the number of our students for our school year. 


Mon.  Sept 2nd  

Tues. Sept 3rd  

Wed. Sept 4th  

Thurs. Sept 5th 

Fri. Sept 6th 

Labor Day -  

School Not In Session.  

8:45  am – 

9:45  am 

School Start Up 

Full Day School Schedule  

8:45am – 3:00pm  

Full Day School Schedule  

8:45am – 3:00pm  

Full Day School Schedule  

8:45am – 3:00pm  


Squamish and Paradise Valley Bus Kids


Students riding the bus to Squamish and Paradise Valley on Sept 3rd will leave Brackendale school at 11:30 am. We will have supervision and programming for bus riders in the gym.  Please expect your student’s arrival time at home accordingly. Please let Ms Frizzle know if you will be driving your children on that day.


If you haven't already done so, please follow the link to complete the bus registration forms: 


Kindergarten Start Up 


Welcome Kindergarten Families!!

Kindergarten students will join us on Wednesday September 4th, 2024. Kindergarten families will receive an email outlining further details of the first week of school and gradual entry schedule.   


Playground Pick-up Meet-up


On Friday August 30th I will be hosting an informal playground meet up time from 11:00am – 12:00pm.  We will meet at the back playground. Our grounds keepers have been busy this summer, but we want to make sure the grounds are spic and span and ready for the students on Monday. If your family would like to drop by at this time to meet up with me and other school families, play on the playground, help pick up any garbage left behind, tidy up some of our gardens, practice using the washroom from our playground space (this can be an important task to ease nerves for new students coming to the school) please come by at this time. I look forward to seeing you!


School Supplies Orders:  

We have ordered school supplies in bulk for the students for next year. Families will be asked to pay $35 to “School Cash Online”.  An email will be sent home with instructions on how to register if you have not done so already.   


First Week Package/Email: 

Your child will be receiving a First Week Package and Email with Various forms that need to be completed: Indigenous Ancestry, Contact Information Verification, Media Release, etc . . .You will also receive an email with links to our “School Cash Online” page which will include consent forms to be signed.  Please complete the forms by Friday September 13th


PAC and Family Volunteers: 

Families are ALWAYS welcome in our buildings. Please consider joining us as a volunteer if you are able. Research clearly supports that when caregivers participate and are involved in their child’s education, there is a greater likelihood of success for their child.  With that in mind, we invite you to become an active participant in our school by volunteering, joining our Parent Advisory Council (PAC), joining the Brackendale Elementary PAC Facebook group and attending school events. Stay tuned for upcoming meeting dates and times.


School Communication:  

We are committed to using a variety of ways to communicate with families throughout the year including our “Principal’s Message” and weekly newsletters that will provide reminders, upcoming events and learning updates.  This newsletter will also be posted to our school webpage:



Important Upcoming Dates:  

Friday Aug 30

  Playground Pick – up Meet-up

11:00am – 12:00 pm

Tuesday, Sept 3 

School Reopens  8:45 – 9:45 am  

Wednesday, Sept 4 

Kindergarten students first day

Wed, Sept 11

First Full day for Kindergarten Students  

Friday Sept  13

Terry Fox Run


Tuesday Sept 24

BRE School Open House 5pm

Friday, Sept 26 

Pro D Day  School not in Session

Monday Sept 30 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – School Not in Session.